Comedy - Tragedy

Comedy - Tragedy
All the world truly IS a stage!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Beginnings... Or, the Mad Ramblings of a Theatre Junkie

Where does one begin?

It's always been hard for me to start something like this, to pick a point in time with which to actually and arbitrarily say, "Start Here." So the very fact that you are actually reading SOMETHING that I have posted in a blog is an accomplishment in and of itself.

But still, where does one begin?

Much like theatre itself, I've found that there are really no true "beginnings" or "endings" Just continuations. Much like one show closes as another opens, the day-to-day continues forward much as it always has, only the players seem to change. As William Shakespeare wrote in As You Like it...

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts...

Each "player", or person met, has something to offer, either good or bad, small or large, to the greater theme of individuals that they in turn meet... and so on, and so on, in that never ending chain, the continuing circle of life. We offer fragments of information to each other, some positive, some negative, to help us move through, with, and sometimes even against this grand theatrical experiment we all commonly like to call "LIFE". Some days the sun shines, and all is right with the universe... other days it rains and were it not for the bad luck, we would have no luck at all....

And some days you feel as though you are shoveling sh*t, uphill. From a sitting position.

But again, where does one begin?

I don't know if that is even the important question. Where? How? Why? Who, What or even When? It's a probably even a very silly question, really. Much like asking what happens when you leave the theatre? Does one truly ever leave "theatre"? Its the sort of question a Buddhist monk might answer with a sharp plank to the head. **Thwack!** (And thank you, David Ives, for that mental picture.)

Now where was I...?  Ah, Yes! Beginings... thanks for following me this far. Might as well get on with it....

Today is January 2nd, 2014... about 4am, EST. As I write, the new year is looking good, so far. So I decided it was high time I started writing a blog.

So Welcome! Welcome to my blog. This will be a spot for my ramblings and musing for all things theatre. With a spot of luck, I hope to be talking about the ups and downs of my theatre adventures in writing, directing and acting. I'll talk about my influences.The things and people who have made me who I am, and made me think. I've had almost 20 years of theatrical mayhem, some of which I hope to explore and document here. I encourage the brave among you follow me as I go in several different directions, touching and remembering the past which got me here, while preparing and exploring my future.

And maybe, just maybe... I'll pass along a few answers I find along the way.

Trust me. If the last 20-odd years are any example, it's going to be an interesting ride. So welcome! It's a good start, I think... I thank you for your kind patience, but for now, I will...